Clean Water

Legislative Updates 2020: April 20-24 - April 26th, 2020

We are still waiting to hear whether either Senate or the House will return to take up a Sine Die Resolution and a Continuing Resolution, or whether they will adjourn without those resolutions. More about what's at stake in this week's Legislative Update from UF's Director of Energy & State Policy. read more

By Shelley Robbins

How development impacts water quality - April 23rd, 2020

As our region grows, it’s more important than ever to protect water quality in the Upstate. read more

By Erika Hollis

New State Water Plan focuses on regional water needs - April 17th, 2020

To ensure that an adequate and reliable supply of water will be available for our homes, businesses, farms, and ecosystems for the next 50 years, the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources is updating our State Water Plan. Clean Water Advocate Megan Chase shares why you should care and how you can help ensure the Upstate has plenty of water as the region grows. read more

By Megan Chase

COVID Weekly Update: April 17, 2020 - April 17th, 2020

In this week's update, we'll take you along on a virtual stewardship site visit, share a fun and family-friendly outdoor activity, and more. read more

The Water Log: Our clean water work continues - April 7th, 2020

Amid all this uncertainty, Upstate Forever's Clean Water team is continuing to tackle issues that affect our drinking water sources and the natural lands that contribute to their health (from the comfort of our pajamas). read more

By Megan Chase

Conversations with Conservationists - March 24th, 2020

The South Carolina Conservation Coalition — a group of more than 40 organizations from across SC, including Upstate Forever — is hosting a series of free, weekly webinars. You'll have the opportunity to hear from our partner organizations about offshore drilling, land protection, advocacy, the State Water Plan, and more. read more

Seeking solace in uncertain times: How Upstate Forever is responding to COVID-19 - March 18th, 2020

Our Greenville and Spartanburg offices closed this week while Upstate Forever staff work from home to help protect the health of each other, our families, and our communities. Find the rest of our response to the developing COVID-19 situation here. read more

After the Flood: Changing views on floodwater policy at the local and statewide level - February 27th, 2020

Recent flooding around the Upstate has sparked a conversation about how land use and rapid growth have led to increased runoff from storm events. What Upstate Communities do now to control flooding will have lasting effects statewide. read more

By Megan Chase

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