ForeverGreen Luncheon

Upstate Forever’s ForeverGreen Annual Awards Luncheon celebrates individuals and organizations for significant contributions in fields related to conservation and sustainable growth.

Thank You to Our 2019 ForeverGreen Luncheon Sponsors - February 20th, 2019

Upstate Forever’s annual ForeverGreen Awards Luncheon was bigger and better than ever this year, thanks in large part to our generous sponsors. read more

By Aldon Knight

Every last acre on earth - February 18th, 2019

For those of us who cherish the charming rural landscape, and the woods and wild places, our world has once again shrunk before our very eyes. Are we just going to develop every last acre on earth? read more

By Dennis Chastain

The Upstate Update: January 2019 - January 20th, 2019

In this month's Upstate Update, get the details on this year's ForeverGreen Luncheon and award recipients, read about recent conservation successes, ways you can create a lasting legacy, and more. read more

Dick Carr to receive the inaugural Marjorie E. Schmidt Stewardship Award - January 19th, 2019

Dick Carr is being honored with the Marjorie E. Schmidt Stewardship Award at Upstate Forever's 2019 ForeverGreen Awards Luncheon. The award recognizes Mr. Carr for his tireless dedication to UF for more than a decade. read more

Doug Harper to receive the Tommy Wyche Land Conservation Champion award - January 18th, 2019

Doug Harper is being honored with the Tommy Wyche Land Conservation Champion award at Upstate Forever's 2019 ForeverGreen Awards Luncheon. The award recognizes Doug for his central role in the permanent reauthorization of the SC Conservation Bank. read more

Nikki Grumbine to receive Clean Water Champion award - January 17th, 2019

Nikki Grumbine is being honored with the Clean Water Champion award at Upstate Forever's 2019 ForeverGreen Awards Luncheon. The award recognizes Nikki for her leadership with the Friends of the Reedy River Board. read more

Spartanburg's Northside Initiative to receive Land Planning & Policy Champion award - January 16th, 2019

The Northside Initiative is the Land Planning & Policy Champion at Upstate Forever's 2019 ForeverGreen Awards Luncheon. The award recognizes the Initiative’s participants for their collaborative efforts to transform and revitalize Spartanburg’s Northside community. read more

Retired SC Parks Director Phil Gaines to receive Public Servant of the Year award - January 15th, 2019

Phil Gaines is being honored with the Public Servant of the Year award at Upstate Forever's 2019 ForeverGreen Awards Luncheon. The award recognizes Phil for his 37 years of service to the SC State Parks Service. read more

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