
Public Meeting: Cleaning up Tyger River Basin Waterways

Public Meeting: Cleaning up Tyger River Basin Waterways

Date & Time

January 11th 2018
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

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Lake Lyman Lodge

100 Lyman Lodge Rd
Lyman, South Carolina 29365


 Upstate Forever and 14 partners have scheduled a public meeting to discuss the “Tyger River Watershed Based Plan”, a grant funded project targeting bacteria, sediment, and nutrient pollution in the South, Middle, and North Tyger rivers. This watershed based plan provides a comprehensive overview of the sources of bacteria and sediment pollution in these watersheds and identifies critical areas for restoration and protection. The plan will also provide strategies to reduce or eliminate pollution loads within watersheds. The public is encouraged to attend to learn more about this process and provide important feedback to the process. 

This project is funded wholly or in part by the US EPA under a Capitalization Grant for Drinking Water State Revolving Funds through the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control (SC DHEC)


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