Enduring Support

Upstate Legacy Partners

We invite you to join Upstate Legacy Partners, a group of Upstate Forever supporters who have made a lifetime gift and/or included our organization in their estate plans.

There are many ways that you can help Upstate Forever protect special places, keep our air and water clean, and grow in a way that is both economically and environmentally prosperous. Below are some of the available tools to make a lasting gift to conservation today. If any of these strategies seems right for you, please contact Aldon Knight, Executive Director, at (864) 250-0500 x131 or aknight@upstateforever.org.

Note: Upstate Forever does not provide legal or tax advice. You should consult with your own attorney and financial advisor in all matters relating to making gifts and planning your estate.


Estate planning & lifetime gifts

Charitable bequests provided in your will

One of the simplest ways to provide an enduring gift of support to Upstate Forever is through your Will.  By including Upstate Forever in your Will, you can specify that some or all of your assets will come to us at your death. Your taxable estate will be reduced by the amount of the bequest.

Life Insurance

You may designate Upstate Forever as the owner of a paid-up life insurance policy or take out a new policy.  You will receive an income tax deduction on the cash value of the policy as well as the annual premiums.

Gifts of appreciated property

You can make gifts of appreciated stock or other property. You are entitled to an income tax deduction for the full appreciated value, while avoiding income and estate taxes on the appreciation.

Retirement Plan

You may designate Upstate Forever as the beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), or other qualified retirement plan—a straightforward and tax-efficient way to make a generous gift to Upstate Forever. If these assets are left to your heirs, as much as 70% of the bequest may be consumed by income and estate taxes.  In contrast, Upstate Forever will receive 100% of your charitable contribution.

Are you at least 70 1/2 years of age with an IRA?  Consider an IRA rollover gift. Over the past several years, the IRS has allowed for required minimum distributions to be given directly to a qualified 501(c)(3), giving the donor the chance to avoid the associated tax consequences.

Remainder interest in property

You can donate your residence or other property (vacation residence, farm, etc.) to Upstate Forever subject to your right to continue using and enjoying the property during your lifetime. You are entitled to an immediate income tax deduction for this donation, and the property will not be subject to estate taxes at your death.

Charitable Lead Trust

A Charitable Lead Trust works the same way as a Charitable Remainder Trust, with one major difference: Upstate Forever receives the income payments during your life and at your death the assets of the trust revert to your estate or to persons you name.

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