Clean Water

Ecosystems Services: Why Conservation Boosts the Bottom Line - November 26th, 2018

Economists, researchers, and communities are taking a more sophisticated look at the economic value of natural areas, open space, and local water resources. read more

County Comp Plan Update - April 28th, 2018

Greenville County has released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for assistance with their upcoming 10-year comprehensive plan update. Proposals will be accepted until mid-May, and the contract should be awarded/negotiated by early June, according to the RFP. read more

By Lisa Hallo

Award Spotlight: Catherine Heigel - February 27th, 2018

Catherine Heigel was honored with the Clean Water Champion Award at the 2018 ForeverGreen Awards Luncheon for her leadership in launching the South Carolina Adopt-a-Stream program during her time with SC DHEC. read more

By Heather Nix

Legislative Update 2018 Week 6 - February 20th, 2018

Conservation Bank Reauthorization Passes the House Overwhelmingly! read more

By Shelley Robbins

Waters of the US (WOTUS): Myths and Truths - October 3rd, 2017

There have been a lot of misconceptions about the Clean Water Rule, which the EPA is considering rolling back. We believe the Clean Water Rule is an essential tool to prevent confusion and to ensure the health of our waterways. read more

By Heather Nix

Clean Water 101: Intro to River Contaminants - August 24th, 2017

You might think it’s a simple question: “Are our Upstate rivers healthy?” But as many recent articles have shown, the answer is complicated — because water quality IS complicated. read more

By Heather Nix

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