ForeverGreen Luncheon

Upstate Forever’s ForeverGreen Annual Awards Luncheon celebrates individuals and organizations for significant contributions in fields related to conservation and sustainable growth.

The need for increased conservation funding - February 25th, 2020

Andrea Cooper, Executive Director of Upstate Forever, made closing remarks at the 2020 ForeverGreen Awards Luncheon detailing the importance of increased funding for conservation, including plans for a new Upstate conservation initiative. read more

By Andrea Cooper

Why should I care about conservation? - February 25th, 2020

At the 2020 ForeverGreen Annual Awards Luncheon, Raleigh West, Executive Director of the South Carolina Conservation Bank, explained why everyone is a conservationist — they just might not realize it yet. read more

By Raleigh West

Thank you to our 2020 ForeverGreen Luncheon sponsors - February 24th, 2020

The 2020 ForeverGreen Luncheon was our biggest yet, thanks in part to the support of our generous sponsors!  read more

By Aldon Knight

Tom Kester to receive the Marjorie E. Schmidt Stewardship Award - January 23rd, 2020

Tom Kester is being honored with the Marjorie E. Schmidt Stewardship Award at Upstate Forever's 2020 ForeverGreen Awards Luncheon. This award recognizes Tom for his faithful ongoing support of Upstate Forever and other local conservation efforts. read more

Norman Pulliam to receive the Tommy Wyche Land Conservation Champion Award - January 23rd, 2020

Norman Pulliam is being honored with the Tommy Wyche Land Conservation Champion award at Upstate Forever's 2020 ForeverGreen Awards Luncheon. This award recognizes Mr. Pulliam for his visionary leadership as SC Department of Natural Resources board chair. read more

Representative Bill Sandifer to receive the Public Servant of the Year Award - January 23rd, 2020

Representative Bill Sandifer is being honored with the Public Servant of the Year award at Upstate Forever's 2020 ForeverGreen Awards Luncheon. This award recognizes Rep. Sandifer for his game-changing role in passing the Energy Freedom Act. read more

The Upstate Update: January 2020 - January 22nd, 2020

In this month's Upstate Update, we reflect on 2019's successes, share Upstate Forever's 2020 advocacy priorities, invite you to join us for the ForeverGreen Annual Awards Luncheon, and provide updates on Greenville and Spartanburg's comprehensive planning processes. read more

Phil Gaines: 'I have failed at retirement miserably' - April 18th, 2019

An interview with South Carolina’s long-serving State Parks Director and recipient of the Public Servant of the Year Award at the 2019 ForeverGreen Awards read more

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