The need for increased conservation funding - February 25th, 2020

Andrea Cooper, Executive Director of Upstate Forever, made closing remarks at the 2020 ForeverGreen Awards Luncheon detailing the importance of increased funding for conservation, including plans for a new Upstate conservation initiative. read more

By Andrea Cooper

Why should I care about conservation? - February 25th, 2020

At the 2020 ForeverGreen Annual Awards Luncheon, Raleigh West, Executive Director of the South Carolina Conservation Bank, explained why everyone is a conservationist — they just might not realize it yet. read more

By Raleigh West

Thank you to our 2020 ForeverGreen Luncheon sponsors - February 24th, 2020

The 2020 ForeverGreen Luncheon was our biggest yet, thanks in part to the support of our generous sponsors!  read more

By Aldon Knight

Legislative Updates 2020: Week 6 - February 23rd, 2020

Bills have been filed that would require DHEC to set maximum contaminant levels for PFAs, plus the latest on the Santee Cooper hearings and other bills we are following. read more

By Shelley Robbins

Two Clean Water Act rollbacks: One murky mess for South Carolina waterways - February 20th, 2020

The EPA’s recent attacks on the Clean Water Act have made national headlines, leaving many of us wondering how this impacts our local waterways and drinking water sources. The short of it: Our water resources are left vulnerable by these rollbacks. read more

By Megan Chase

Upstate comprehensive plan updates: What's the latest news? - February 18th, 2020

Our Land Planning & Policy team shares the latest news on the cities of Greenville, Greer, and Spartanburg's comprehensive plan updates. read more

The Upstate Update: February 2020 - February 18th, 2020

In this month's Upstate Update, we discuss how development could impact future flooding and water quality in the Upstate, honor Black History Month, and celebrate World Wetlands Day. read more

Legislative Updates 2020: Week 5 - February 17th, 2020

The long-awaited Santee Cooper report has finally been released, plus updates on other bills we are following. read more

By Shelley Robbins

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